PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 115 – Time Travel… Again…

Voyager: Timeless

The guys continue their Time Travel exploration by going through episodes of Voyager, Enterprise, and Discovery.  It was the longest time trip possible, but they finally did it!!

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PS McKay PS McKay

DT Shorts

DT Cavman shows us his exploits while on a cruise! He talks about some sci-fi reading material, his run-in with the Bermuda Triangle, and how the ship reminds him of certain sci-fi favorite ships.

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PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 114 – Back to Time Travel

The guys recap their St. Patrick’s day weekend.   Then they get into the time travel episodes of Star Trek and The Next Generation.   And of course they run out of time.

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PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 113 – Time to Time Travel

The guys celebrate the recent Daylight Saving Time of Spring Forward by discussing their favorite time travel episodes of Sci-Fi and movies.   Ironically, they run out of time and need a part 2.

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PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 112 – The Mandalorian

The guys decide to talk about the debut of the Mandalorian Season 3.   They note that the second season ended before their show even began.  They talk about the beginning of the Season 1 and go through Mando’s journey that led him to the Season 3 premiere.   Then they talk about their thoughts on the episode and what their expectations are for the season.

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PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 111 – Tech Problems

Archer trapping a gorn on gravity plating.

This is a special little episode that McKay had been wanting to explore where Sci-Fi writers use technology wrong or they don’t realize the true ramifications of the tech that is being used.  The talk about how Gravity Plating makes Warp drive irrelevant, how Magneto is technically a god, and how the writers of Star Trek Into Darkness were extremely stupid in using “Cold Fusion” to freeze a volcano. 

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PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 110 – What the Picard???

Hell has frozen over.   Mack and DT talk about season 3 of Picard and the first episode.   And Mack loves it!  They talk about the things they liked, some criticism, but the welcome return of Riker and the conjecturing where the season is going to go from there. 

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PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 109 – The Oliver Effect

Cousin Oliver from The Brady Bunch

DT and Mack remark how it’s Girl Scout Cookie season again and the unearthly appeal people have for them.  After discussing the behavior of parents at youth sports and a secret room in DT’s house, the guys then talk about The Cousin Oliver Effect.  In which certain sci-fi shows made late character additions and if they breathed new life into the franchise.  

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PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 108 – What’s upcoming this year in Sci-Fi??

Mack opens the show with his opinion that Crocodile Dundee II was a perfect sequel.   DT acknowledges he saw that movie in the theater. Then the guys delve into what upcoming in Sci-Fi for 2023 including Star Wars, Star Trek, and Marvel.   They detail what they look forward to the most and the least

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PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 107 – The Reboot Episode

The Original V

Mack opens the show with an unexpected loss in the sci-fi community.  Then the guys talk about how Mack took Jr. to a doctor’s appointment and the unexpected process that was.   DT talks about taking the family out for a nice little jaunt to a small book fair.  Then they begin talking about Sci-Fi reboots and how That 90’s Show was the inspiration for this episode.

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PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 106 – Bad Batch Season 1

The guys review the first season of Bad Batch.  Mack expresses his appreciation for it in moving the timeline forward and DT fills in a lot of the background behind the lore.   They talk about what worked, what didn’t but walked away very satisfied with the season.  

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PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 105 – More Klingon Evolution

Enterprise: Divergence

The guys continue into their discussion on the chronological development of the Klingons and production in DS9 where both guys agree they reached their pinnacle, how they kind of fell off in Voyager and were introduced to Earth in Enterprise.   Then they give 5 minutes on how Discovery ruined them.

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PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 104 – The Klingon Evolution

Mack finally acknowledges he survived the Atmospheric River… for now.  DT discusses his rough football weekend.  Then they dig into the chronology of the evolution or development of the Klingons in the Star Trek Universe.  They start in the TOS era, go through the movies, and end with the TNG era.   It opens things up for a Part 2 because these guys just aren’t efficient enough.

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PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 103 – Clone Wars Season 7

Mack opens the show lamenting how much rain California is getting.  The guys then share their disgust in the fact that meteorologists are now making up terms like Atmospheric River, Bomb Cyclone, and the old goodie Rain Event.  The guys later dig into Season 7 of Star Wars The Clone Wars, the pivotal moments of being introduced to the Bad Batch, where Ahsoka went after her redemption, and what occurred to her during the Siege of Mandalor. 

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PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 102 – The Shake-Up

The guys begin the new year discussing how their New Year’s celebrations went.  Then DT tells Mack how he needs to watch Yellowstone and all its spinoff incarnations.   Then they go into their favorite sci-fi shows that underwent major shakeups and changes in order to try and keep them alive.   They discuss all the Star Treks and bring up Stargate and Babylon 5.   Then at one point Mack gets pissed and stops talking for a while to make a point which only pisses off DT.  A good time was had by all.  Happy New Year!

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Episode 101 – Characters That Saved a Franchise

A nice little bonus episode to close out the year where the guys discuss the introduction of certain characters that basically saved the franchise.  The big ones are Captain Pike for New Star Trek and Grogu for Star Wars.  But they have other ideas in mind.

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Episode 100 – One Hundred!

We’ve reached 100 episodes!  The guys explain why this is in fact the 100th episode and how they’ve progressed along the way with the different milestones in the last year and a half.  This time, they venture through the different 100th episodes of shows like TNG, DS9 and Stargate SG1.  Sometimes they agree and others, mainly Mack, disagrees.  But here is to another 100 epsiodes!

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PS McKay PS McKay

Episode 98 – What We Would Do With Star Wars

This makes sense if you listen to the epsiode

The guys decide to extend their creative talents in conjecturing what they would do with Star Wars differently.   DT goes over changes to the sequel trilogy and how it could have been more than a missed opportunity.  Mack goes to the prequel trilogy and tries to fix how Anakin could have been more relatable and the characters all around less wooden. 

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